Welcome to Seattle Photographic Society

Founded in 1933, Seattle Photographic Society is a friendly group of supportive amateur and professional photographers. We strive to build both our skillsets and our community through image critiques, discussions, lectures, demonstrations, field trips, friendly competitions, and intra-club activities.

The club’s interests are primarily in the classical definition of photography, which has to do with the capturing of the original image(s) and post processing. Images generated by artificial intelligence are not eligible for entry.

Every month we hold several different types of meetings. Check out our Meeting Schedule to see what events are coming up.  



Share your photos from our filed tripsEach field trip will have a gallery where you can share your images from that day, and see images that others took that day. Galleries from all field trips can be seen at "Our Club - Galleries." Click on the right facing arrow to expand the list.  How do I submit images to a Gallery? The Gallery Submission guide or the Member's Images Guide will show you how. 

NW Council of Camera Clubs - Traveling Salon:
This month we view Tacoma Photographic Society. Deadline is July 25th.
These votes are for prints to be shown at the NWCCC Annual meeting in November. Choose your top five in the first link, then vote for them in the second link. 

Images: https://nwcameraclubs.org/tis1000/ 
Voting Form: NWCCC Traveling Image Salon (google.com)


Upcoming Themes 

August - Street Photography
September - Wild Flowers
October - Motion Blur
November - Urban Landscapes
December - Night Scenes

January 2025 - Mountains and/or Rivers
February - Chaos
March - Negative Space
April - Abstracts




For website questions or comments, please contact webmaster@seattlephotographic.com

© Copyright 2013-2022 by Seattle Photographic Society. 

 All rights reserved. Request prior written permission from the photographer to reproduce their images.















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Member Organization

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