Welcome to Seattle Photographic Society
Founded in 1933, Seattle Photographic Society is a friendly group of supportive amateur and professional photographers. We strive to build both our skillsets and our community through image critiques, discussions, lectures, demonstrations, field trips, friendly competitions, and intra-club activities.
The club’s interests are primarily in the classical definition of photography, which has to do with the capturing of the original image(s) and post processing. Images generated by artificial intelligence are not eligible for entry.
Every month we hold several different types of meetings. Check out our Meeting Schedule to see what events are coming up.

February Dates:
- New Field Trip! - February 16 @ 9AM Ballard Farmers Market. See calendar
- Small Group Night - February 25 @ 7pm - We break into small groups to discuss each other's photographs and improve our skills. See calendar.
- Traveling Salon - Submit images on which 10 other clubs will vote and rank their preferences. Deadline - Feb 25. See Calendar.
- Print Night, Tuesday February 11, 7pm. Print night is held in person at the Luther Memorial Lutheran Church, 13047 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA
March Dates:
- Field Trip - Billy Frank Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge - Saturday, March 1st at 8:30 am (see calendar for details)
- Projected Image Night, March 4, 7PM (Theme = Negative Space)
- Print night, March 11, 7PM
Themes in the upcoming months for Projected Images:
- March - Negative Space
- April Abstracts
SPS Member and Educational News:
Leia Smith is having a photography exhibit open house with new photos.
Saturday, February 1, 10am-2pm
Dunn Gardens (Ed's Cottage), 13533 Northshire Rd NW, Seattle.
Galleries- This is a reminder that our SPS website has galleries of photos posted from members on our field trips. Just in 2024, we had field trips to Seattle Public Library downtown, Kubota Gardens, Marymoor Park, Velodrome Race Track, Pike Market at night, and Volunteer Park Conservatory. Participants are reminded to post your best pics! Go to the SPS website and look under Our Club, Galleries, Field Trips.
Macro Photography Group- SPS Member Bill Wheeler has a Macro Photography Group. If interested, contact him by going to the SPS website, then "Send Email to Members" under "Our Club" and search for his name under "Select from Member List."
For this newsletter, we will occasionally include descriptions of SPS member field trips. Feel free to submit items to David Bibus, describing something of interest for other SPS members |
Bill Ray trip to Skagit Valley.
Great Day at East 90 Skagit Wildlife Area Near Edison last Friday. |
The Short-eared Owls turned out in force in the hour before sunset, 4 to 5 pm, working the fields around the road. Even flying down the drainage ditch right below my feet (too close to catch). The rest of the valley was pretty quiet for the afternoon which included a nice walk along the new Fir Island dike trail.
There were swan and goose flocks in the area plus eagles, none near where I was-- and hunters, stay in the safe zones.
Maybe wortha try if we get a few more clear dry days. |
I explored Skagit Valley on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. I counted 78 Eagles over two days, with more as I got closer to Edison. Found the Short Eared Owls at East 90 Skagit Wildlife Area in late afternoon. Lots of people there but a new parking lot. I think hunting season for waterfowl ends January 31 and for geese in mid February, check signage. Bring your WA State Parks Discover Pass for various hiking places. The annual Stanwood Snowgoose and Birding Festival is February 22. |
Previous Announcements/Newsletters here. You must be logged in order to view the files.
Education Night (January) Presentation with Darrell Gulin - Landscape photography
A very successful presentation in January to about 50 attendees by Darrell Gulin, one of Canon's Legend Photographers.
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© Copyright 2013-2022 by Seattle Photographic Society.
All rights reserved. Request prior written permission from the photographer to reproduce their images.